Tomasz Hrynacz
In the unknown scale
Because only accidentally, when talking,
we use the silence.
And possibly we turn away legs,
to fall head down.
But what you want more as
the worlds are happening nearby?
I’ve already got to know:
the roar of the sky- nothing more.
Next to me.
Translated by Izabella Rzychoń
♦ Lost key
♦ Herd
Tomasz Hrynacz
fot. Lesław E. Kopecki
fot. Lesław E. Kopecki
"Zwrot o bliskość", Kraków 1997
"Partycje oraz 20 innych wierszy miłosnych", Sopot 1999
"Rebelia", Wrocław 2001
"Prędka przędza", Szczecin 2010
"Przedmowa do 5 smaków, Szczecin 2013
Najnowsze wiersze:
"Twórczość" 6/2019
"Twórczość" 6/2019