Karol Maliszewski
Without a title

When you go away, pushing the specter of yourself
into stringing nettles, burdocks
and something- tussles in the grass right up to the knotgrass,
the strokes of the spokes like a metronome, and the rhythm flutters

a sparrow, a lizard, a rat?

when you fail, you miss a start
later you just circulate in the form of a story,
you plunge into the third storm this day
and only the leaf of nerves is dry, and falls down on the forehead

a sparrow, a lizard, a rat?

(When they’re here at last to cash the house,
in which you wait for a ‘brighter’ future,
come up to the window, stretch your arms,
take in the world as it is

a sparrow, a lizard, a rat?

tłumaczenie: Natalia Kossakowska
Karol Maliszewski
fot. Milena Maliszewska

Powieść "Manekiny" odrzucona przez Wydawnictwo Literackie zainteresowała Wydawnictwo Prószyński Media. Ukazała się 9 lutego 2012.

Tomik "Ody odbite" znalazł wydawcę: Tajne Komplety, Wrocław,
marzec 2012 r.

Nowa proza wędrując po świecie, wreszcie znalazła przytulisko: "Przemyśl-Szczecin", Tajne Komplety, Wrocław, końcówka 2013

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