Krzysztof Śliwka
It’s cool. Nobody knows anything
An ordinary day. Nothing is going on.
My mother is watering the weed growing on the balcony
That I planted in among othet plants. I tell her
That as soon as it grows into something decent,
We’ll really get stoned. She doesn’t object.
She doesn’t tap her forehead with her index finger.
I thing my mother knows what’s up.
translated by Margarita Nafpaktitis
My mother is watering the weed growing on the balcony
That I planted in among othet plants. I tell her
That as soon as it grows into something decent,
We’ll really get stoned. She doesn’t object.
She doesn’t tap her forehead with her index finger.
I thing my mother knows what’s up.
translated by Margarita Nafpaktitis
♦ Sestina

Krzysztof Śliwka
fot. Karol Krukowski
fot. Karol Krukowski

Niepogoda dla kangura - 1996

Gambit - 1998

Sztuka koncentracji - 2002

Dżajfa & Gibana 2008

Budda Show, 2013