Wojciech Brzoska
PRINTABILITY(another poem in line for the title of infallibility)

motto: “Your poems are slowly approaching the border
of printability, but have not crossed it yet.(…)
There is no infallibility in them of the kind
we would like to expect from literature.”

Adam Wiedemann
(quote from a letter)

Some borders cannot be crossed
without a passport. There are passports which I am ashamed
to buy. In the subway of literature there are some

places, where they sell liquid permits,
smiling grimaces, cheap flattery. There, it is worth
to suffer, it is worth not to sober up.

Some crossed borders of INFALLIBILITY
make you stop searching, stop living.

Some crossed borders of decency
make you cease objecting.

Translated by Anna Świrek
Wojciech Brzoska
fot. Magda AnoPsy

"Niebo nad Sosnowcem" (Lampa i Iskra Boża, Warszawa 2001) http://www.merlin.... http://www.megalop...
"Sacro casco"("Mamiko", Nowa Ruda 2006) http://www.mamiko....
"przez judasza" (Portret,Olsztyn 2008) http://portret.org...
"Drugi koniec wszystkiego", Instytut Mikołowski, marzec 2010. Projekt okładki Agnieszka Sitko http://www.dobraks...
"W każdym momencie, na przyjście i odejście" + CD Brzoska i Gawroński "Slońce,lupa i mrówki" (WBPiCAK Poznań, 2015)


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