George Szirtes

Wybrane publikacje:


Poetry Introduction 4 (z C. Raine, A. Hollinghurstem, A. Elliott, A. Cluysenaar i C. Clothierem; Faber & Faber, 1978)

The Slant Door (Secker & Warburg, 1979)

November and May (Secker & Warburg, 1981)

Short Wave (Secker & Warburg, 1984)

The Photographer in Winter (Secker & Warburg, 1986)

Metro (OUP, 1988)

Bridge Passages (OUP, 1991)

Blind Field (OUP, 1994)

Selected Poems (OUP, 1996)

The Red All Over Riddle Book (wiersze dla dzieci; Faber, 1997)

Portrait of my Father in an English Landscape (OUP, 1998)

The Budapest File (Bloodaxe, 2000)

An English Apocalypse (Bloodaxe, 2001)

A Modern Bestiary (z artystk± A. M. Pacheco (Pratt Contemporary Art, 2004)

Reel, wiersze (Bloodaxe, 2004)

The Burning of the Books (Circle, 2007)

New and Collected Poems (Bloodaxe, 2008)


The Poetry Quartets 6, z M. Alvi, M. Donaghy and A. Stevenson (Bloodaxe, 2001)

The Poetry Archive: George Szirtes (1 hr CD recording, 2006)


I. Madách, S. Csoóri, I. Vas, D. Kosztolányi, O. Orbán, Z. Rakovszky, G. Krúdy, L. Krasznahorkai, Á. Nemes Nagy, S. Márai, F. Karinthy.

Jako redaktor:

The Collected Poems of Freda Downie (redaktor, Bloodaxe, 1995)
The Colonnade of Teeth: Modern Hungarian Poetry (z G. Gomori, 1996)
The Lost Rider: The Corvina Book of Hungarian Verse (1997)
New Writing 10, Anthology of new writing (z Penelope Lively, Picador 2001)
An Island of Sound: Hungarian fiction and poetry (wspó³redaktor; Harvill 2004)


Exercise of Power: the Art of Ana Maria Pacheco (monografia, Lund Humphries, 2001)

Ksi±¿ki krytyczne o poezji G. Szirtesa:

Michael Murphy, Poetry in Exile: A Study of the Poetry of W. H. Auden, Joseph Brodsky and George Szirtes (Grenwich Exchange, 2004)

John Sears, Reading George Szirtes (Bloodaxe, 2008)

George Szirtes
fot. archiwum autora

Selected Poems, OUP, 1996
The Budapest File, Bloodaxe 2000
English Apocalypse, Bloodaxe 2001
Metro, OUP, 1998
Reel, Bloodaxe, 2004 Strona autorska po angielsku

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